New Mexico Abortion Bills Delayed

Michael Sanchez for March          UPDATED: Click on the headline:

Is State Senator Michael Sanchez the Most Powerful Man in New Mexico?

     Tuesday, March 10, 2015


New Mexico State Legislature


Dear Friends

Senator Michael Sanchez, pictured on the right, like those who have preceded him in the office of New Mexico’s Majority Floor Leader, is a study in power.  Senator Sanchez has the authority to determine

the forward movement of any proposed legislation in the New Mexico State Legislature.

As Majority Floor Leader of the Senate, he assigns Senators to committees and assigns legislation to those committees.  Legislation can be facilitated or delayed.

With only 12 days remaining in the 60 day session, Senator Sanchez has yet to assign HB 390 and 391, the Late Term Abortion Ban and Parental Notification of Abortion for underage teens, to any committee.

We are urging phone call to Senator Sanchez’s office to encourage the forward movement of these bills.  The following is an email for Joe Cieszinski regarding this legislation.

Please call Senator Sanchez’s office at (505) 986-4727.

New Mexico Watchman

 Jose VasquezLeonard praying at state capital bowing


God’s blessings to you, Dear Friends.

Last week, late on Friday night, 2 Pro Life Bills made it through the NM House of Representatives.  They are HB 390 and 391, Late Term Abortion limits, and Parental Notification of Abortion for underaged teens. The two bills are currently on the desk of Senator Michael S. Sanchez, Democrat, the majority leader of the NM Senate.  His secretary told me earlier today that he might be influenced to bring forth the Pro Life bills, HB 390 and 391, if people were to call his office, and request that the bills be brought to a committee.

Time is running short.  This is the furtherest a bill has gotten in over 50 years.  Please:

  1. Pray that “God will make a way, when it seems there is no way.  (Full or partial fasting, or other spiritual acts of denial or discipline won’t hurt our cause.)
  2. Please call Senator Michael Sanchez’s office, and request that he bring the bill to a Senate committee.  This is important.  His number is (505) 986-4727.

Thank you for being strong on this justice issue, speaking up for the Unborn, who have no voice.

“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”

Deuteronomy 30:19b




With only 12 days remaining in the 60 day session, Senator Sanchez has yet to assign HB 390 and 391, the Late Term Abortion Ban and Parental Notification of Abortion for underage teens, to any committee.


  1. I’m asking EVERYONE to call the New Mexico Senator’s office today concerning this matter…

    Yes, I know many of you are from out of state but your calls are just as important as Albuqueruqe and New Mexico have turned into the Abortion Capitol of the World; LITERALLY; where people and doctors from around the world come to perform abortions for no justifiable reason right up to the very last day of pregnancy’s…

    Think about this, by our state laws, or the lack of, your 12 year old daughter and her doctor could hop on a plane in the morning, fly to Albuquerque, perform an abortion on your 12 year old daughter and fly home for her to come home from school; COMPLETELY WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE !!!!!!!!!!!!…

    THIS IS LEGAL here due to the liberal democratic government this state has maintained for decade after decade after decade after decade after decade !!!…

    Just this last month, we welcomed a young lady from Great Britain to Albuquerque to have her abortion performed in her very last days of her pregnancy !!!!!!…

    Please Pray !!!!!!!

    PLEASE CALL !!!!!!!!!!!!

    (The phone number is in the post)

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