A Message from KDAZ Program Dir. Dan Rosencrans about FGGAM











I am so delighted we have the opportunity to work with Dewey and Paul with their radio show “This Is The World We Live In”.   The show is perfectly in line with our desire at AM730  to speak of events of our day,  boldy communicating a Biblical worldview.  In the blur of all the information that comes at us at warp speed, FGGAM helps us cut right to the heart issues.




Dan Rosecrans


Program Director AM730


PO Box 4338


Albuquerque, NM 87196


P 505.345.7373


F 505.345.5669



Thank you Dan for your inspiring words. We are on KDAZ AM730 every Monday at Noon MT. time. Listen on line at www.am730.cc

For God’s Glory Alone, Dewey and Paul





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