Abortion The Secret Shame (Part 2)



Yesterday, I shared my experience as a teenager. Being the fourteenth birth to my parents and not really feeling wanted and how the Lord thru his Word showed me I so was part of his plan. I am so thankful for my faith, I am so thankful for Jesus and I am so thankful for my life.
Do you realize the statistics dealing with teen issues today? Every 24 hours 1,000 teens will start drinking alcohol. Every 24 hours approximately 500 teens will start taking drugs. Every 24 hours, it is estimated that 80 teens are raped. Approximately three to four million American teens contract an STD annually. Every 24 hours, about 1,000 teens give birth to a child out of wedlock. Every 24 hours, approximately 1,000 teens have an abortion. The Guttmacher Institute states that approximately 40-43% of American women have had an abortion. More women have had an abortion than have received a college education or have gotten a divorce. In addition every 24 hours an estimated six teens will commit suicide; nearly 1,500 will make an attempt. One in three girls is sexually abused by someone they are supposed to trust by age of 18. One in six boys will be sexually abused by someone they are supposed to trust by the age of 18. Can you believe all of this? This is the world we are living in.

People are hurting everywhere, pain is pain my friend and we all experience it on the journey called LIFE. I don’t care how rich you are or how poor you may be; pain is inevitable. I wish we all made the very best choices; I wish we all could do everything just perfect and right. That’s not reality, it will never be. I am so glad a man named Jesus paid the ultimate price so we could be made whole once again. I read these statistics and I cry out to him on behalf of these teens. I was there, I made horrible choices and it has taken many years to overcome a choice made in just a few moments. An uniformed decision, a choice made without knowing first the facts. I could choose to blame it on so many people, circumstances, etc. but ultimately it was my life. That was a bad choice.

I am all about the Bible, I really am. It is the ultimate love letter from Christ himself to a hurting world. I am sure I only know in part as I seek the revelation through the power of his Holy Spirit. I am certain of one thing, it is a love letter. I do not believe in bombing abortion clinics, I do not believe in doing your brother wrong. I believe today people are searching for purpose, for healing, for acceptance and to find their place here on earth. When I look into the eyes of another human being, I look beyond their circumstances; I look beyond their appearance and look to their heart. I met a man years ago that loves mankind and gave his very life for them. We must treat everybody with respect, dignity and be our brother’s keeper. When people fail may we be trusted to help get them back on their feet and when people succeed may we rejoice with them in their success. If we truly are here to make a difference, let’s come together and make life a little better for someone else. People aren’t really interested in how much you know until they first know you really care.

Today, can we come together and pray for our next generation? Can we pray for teens that are trying to make it against all odds all across this globe today? Can we pray for the unemployed, the hurting, the depressed and the one that is losing their hope today? Can we lay aside agendas, pretense and truly join our faith in Christ this morning for all of mankind? I am still declaring Psalm 24 The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

Let’s Pray: Lord of the universe be Lord in us today. We repent for all the poor choices (sins) we have committed. God thank you it’s all been paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I thank you Lord there is nothing can separate us from your love. Today, I pray the church would be a safe haven for your people. I tear down every religious stronghold built up against the knowledge of Jesus Christ all across this globe. The Word of God is the final authority on all matters, your love letter to us. You paid it all. Today God we ask you for hope for the hopeless, safe homes for girls and women who desire to keep their child. We pray for freedom for the addicted, homes for the homeless, food for the hungry and most of all for all mankind to know you. You said in your word it is your heart that none shall perish. Your heart is our heart Lord and we pray an outpouring of your spirit upon the earth according to your Word. We join our faith across this globe today and pray for the next generation and generations thereafter and declare the Word of the Lord over them. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof: the world and they that dwell therein. We thank you Lord for hearing and answering prayer. Amen.

P.S. I included another writing about my aborted son.

A little while longer, but I must wait, to hold you in my arms
My baby, my aborted son.
I had no connection with you. My womb lay empty, my heart as well.
You died that day, so did my feelings.
My son, you had no choice, I took it away on that dark day.
Just tissue so many people would say.
Then why many years later does it still feel this way.
Tissue doesn’t feel, but I do.
I lost my son, my only son, you.
Creation, I know it’s hard to understand
Love between a woman and a man.
Then birth, the blessing from above.
A baby is born, a life, uniqueness designed especially for this day.
I look at His creations
Some tall, some short, some smiling, some sad.
What’s wrong my friend?
Has abortion robbed you of a relationship with your child? Are you now angry and mad?
YES, YES! I do understand!
You see, I was a young woman who was caught in the web of deception.
Dark, dark day.
Jeremiah died, my son, abortion took his life.
Wrong, wrong choice.
Please, listen my friend, Doctors, please take note.
Abortion is not the answer.
Please hear this voice.
My son – I cannot see his eyes. I do not know
His frame, was it most like mine?
Jeremiah died a life without a choice.
A baby with no voice.
More than Jeremiah died that day.
A part of me, now my womb lay empty and oh so bare.
My heart froze, feelings buried, pain and trauma left behind.
Abortion –I regret my choice.

**Please make sure every girl, teen and woman has been given all of the facts, the truth and support they need. For in Jesus Christ there is therefore now no condemnation. Together, let’s help others be free.

Abortion… The Secret Shame (Part One)


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