Albuquerque Public School Supt. Brooks Goes Nuts on Twitter!


winston brooksWhat is going on with Albuquerque Public Schools Supt. Winston Brooks? As the headline in today’s Albuquerque Journal states, “Brooks goes barnyard on Skandera” This is such a horrible example for our children. Will the School Board reign in their Supt? Then people wonder why our Public Schools are in turmoil! This is just outlanshed behavior by a “so called leader” I believe that the School Board should take away Winston’s toys for a month or more! Like his twitter, Facebook and texting accounts!  New Mexico Watchdog has more on this story : Governor Martinez blasts ABQ school Supt for disparaging Twitter remarks about New Mexico Education Chief Hanna Skandera more here:


  1. You know what, he was trying to do what’s right for the children; their school years aren’t for adults testing them and testing them and testing them. Sure, his method and language are crude, but it got the message across. And as for your attack on what the headline for the Albuquerque Journal, how many children actually read the newspaper? I support him.

    P.S. Banning him from HIS social networking devices is not only stupid and wrong, it’s against the constitution! Freedom of speech…

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