Arkansas Takes a Stand for Life


abortion_signThe state of Arkansas is making abortions more rare. Legislation that is sure to be challenged in court, has restricted abortions in Arkansas to the 12 the week of life. This stands in stark contrast to New Mexico’s dubious title of America’s abortion capitol where abortions are allowed into the third trimester of a child’s life in the womb.

A day after the Republican-led state Senate voted to override Democratic Governor Mickey Dale “Mike” Beebe’s veto on the life preserving bill, the GOP-controlled House voted 56-33 to do the same. Only a simple majority was needed in each chamber, but a super majority voted to champion life.

“Not the governor, nor anyone else other than the courts, can determine if something is constitutional or unconstitutional,” Rep. Bruce Westerman, a Republican from Hot Springs, said in urging his colleagues to override the democratic governor Beebe opposition to life.

Bill sponsor Sen. Jason Rapert, a Republican from Conway, watched the vote from the House gallery and said a number of law firms have offered to help the state defend the laws in court, if it comes to that.

“I’m just grateful that this body has continued to stand up for the bills that have passed. The eyes of the entire nation were on the Arkansas House of Representatives today,” he said.

The burden now falls to other states like New Mexico to support the weak and helpless unborn or to continue being a champion of the death penalty to children conceived at an inconvenient time. It is time that Governor Martinez and other state lawmakers take a stand for children.

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