Bad News continues for New Mexico, but there is an answer






Pray for rain, yes. As Wildfires sweep across the state of New Mexico again this year and ranchers and farmers suffer, reports of cattle dying and Magdalena, NM has run out of water, having to have it trucked in. New Mexico is in a crises. It is a crises that the so called leaders of this state don’t have much to say about.

I am deeply sadden this morning as I type this that no leaders in the Church or the government have rallied the state for hourly prayer.

As our state dries up, lakes and rivers, I could hear a pin drop.

I think many are scared as to what is happening in this state. There is a new report in the Albuquerque Journal today about many trees are dying in the metro area.

No water, no life.

Pastor Paul Holt who lives in Magdalena, told me yesterday that people are starting to move out of the Magdalena area because of no water.

We here at FGGAM pray constantly for the state of New Mexico. We pray for God to forgive us of our sins, to forgive us of all the abortions taking place in the city of Albuquerque. It seems many do not know the consequences of sin, constant sin of murdering babies.

We pray that abortion will end in this state and country.

This past weekend I did a post on New Mexico being one of the most violent crime states in the United States.

This is not material to promote oneself and run for public office or be the most popular guy on the block, it is just the truth. Many will disregard this post and call me a “nut”, more importantly many will again this day, disregard God’s Word.

I write this because of my love for my Lord and His people. The Holy Spirit moved me today to share this with you all.

The Albuquerque Journal also did a story a few weeks back about more people are moving out of New Mexico than moving in.

I know this information hurts.

Part of the problem is that many leaders in the Church and government are afraid to bring forth the truth, bad news.

Man cannot make it rain, God can.

I do have good news!

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33

For more on all Wildfires in New Mexico click here:

And here is the link to my post on New Mexico and Violent crime:

I close with this prayer…………

Lord today I pray that more will seek your face, your ways.

I pray that more will read your Word today.

Lord we seek forgiveness of our sins as a state, we, your people will do more to

stop abortion and violence in our state. We will do this Lord by bringing your

message to more people and being salt and light and carrying out the great

commission as you instruct us to do in Your Word. Lord we pray for your

healing rains to come to the state of New Mexico. Heal our land Lord with your

rains. In Jesus name, Amen.

Jesus is always the answer! Praise God!

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