Cat Saves Life of Abandoned Baby


PRAISE GOD! We just love stories like this, God’s creatures savings lives…………..Cat Nap In Box Saves Life Of Abandoned BabyCat Nap In Box Saves Life Of Abandoned Baby

Masha, a long-haired tabby cat, saved the life of a baby abandoned in the streets of Russia — after she climbed into the box he was discarded in and kept him warm, health officials said.

“The baby had only been outside for a few hours and thanks to Masha … he was not damaged by the experience,” a hospital spokesman told Central European News.

The whiskered hero even meowed to get the attention of a passerby.

“She is very placid and friendly, so when I heard her meowing, I thought that perhaps she had injured herself,” said Obninsk city resident Irina Lavrova. “Normally she would have come and said hello to me. You can imagine my shock when I saw her lying in a box next to a baby.”

Masha is a communal cat who is looked after by local residents. When she found the baby — who appeared to be in great shape — she immediately took to him as if he were her own, according to CEN.

Pictures by Europics

More here: Yes! Today’s good cat news –  cat saves abandoned Russian baby from freezing instead:

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