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Pray NM

Prayer avails much — New Mexico needs much. As various lists are published ranking states in different areas NM usually is at the top of crummy lists while ranking at the bottom of good lists.

NM also has various reputations: Albuquerque draws women from all over the country (and as far as the UK) seeking late-term abortions. It’s a state that is known for its’ poverty and also has the distinction of being one of the worst when it comes to the treatment of animals.

Yes, there are many reasons to weep, but we ARE also known as the Land of Enchantment. God loves our state and all its’ people (even if that love isn’t always reciprocated.)

Pray New Mexico is going to use the prayer to change things. Join us to change the direction of this state that has SO much potential. Together let’s tap into the power of prayer!!