Chinese Christians Stand Guard

China Church

Strong message for us here in America, let us pray for the Christians in China. Christianity continues to grow rapidly in China despite the government. china church

At a gray church on the outskirts of Wenzhou in eastern China, Christians from across the county keep a nervous watch.
Some stand behind the iron gate; others sit just inside the church door. For more than two months they’ve waited, preparing themselves to protect the cross on top of their church.
“If I have to, I am going to hold it in my arms and protect it,” one elderly man says. “They have no right to tear it down, that is why we have to defend our church.”

Wenzhou is known as the “Jerusalem of China” and throughout this year the local Communist Party authorities have demolished scores of churches and forcibly removed more than 300 church crosses.
Chinese church leaders say it’s the worst anti-Christian crackdown in decades.
“What the government here is doing is so barbaric, they’re like bandits and we are furious with them,” says Chen Zhi’ai, a respected church leader in the Wenzhou area. “Today we’ve seen the fundamental symbol of our faith violated and it hurts us deep inside our hearts.”

Nehemiah 4:9

And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night

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