The Daily Jot: A Christian response to the Ebola threat Part 3

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.
NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 


Dallas Ebola Patient Dies

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Christian response to the Ebola threat Part 3

The US government is obviously not in the business of protecting the general welfare of the country as documented by the response to the Ebola threat. The “president” says it’s a national security threat, but still will not secure the borders or take other precautions on flights with people entering the US from West Africa. This is just one small example of a government that has determined it is better to do nothing than to protect its citizenry. You have to take matters into your own hands to secure the safety, protection and general welfare of yourself and your family. Government is not God. It has very few concrete answers for you. Conversely, The Daily Jot is taking steps to prevent Ebola and save lives.

In Ghana, West Africa, the government is willing to protect its citizens, but does not have the resources to do so. That’s where our ministry has stepped up, especially in the rural areas where the large churches fear to tread due to the hostile Islamic influx and the difficulty reaching the bush. Our ministry partner William Agbeti is reaching out with a message that educates about regular hand washing, personal hygiene and raised public health standards, and the life-preservation of God’s word. Our Ghana ministry is deeply involved in its small way in helping prevent ebola in the rural areas through our two programs: education on ebola prevention and free distribution of water filtration systems for regular washing of hands.

Pastor Agbeti reports: “So far the ministry has reached out to some hundred rural folks and families with cholera and ebola education materials and ebola prevention materials (EPM).  Every Sunday, the ministry targets a slum or poor area and reaches to children and families in those areas. Also, the ministry has placed an order for more EPM to be distributed through rural churches and is collaborating with rural-based ministries to educate hundreds of children on the outbreak of the two diseases. With each information material and EPM freely given out, we also give out children’s bibles.

An example of educating about personal hygiene using video. Our ministry truck will be fitted with such equipment to reach more in each rural village. Because TV is rare in rural areas, people gather around them to watch.

“We are unable to reach out to several other areas owing to resource constraints. Owing to the ebola epidemic and the wide-spread fear that it may reach Ghana as a matter of time, the Ghana Ministry finds itself now working exclusively to help prevent a possible outbreak.  We feel inadequate in the wake of this looming gigantic challenge. As a result, the ministry has deemed it  expedient to convert its truck donated by The Daily Jot into an information services and cinema van to reach out to thousands in rural areas.  Hopefully, this exercise will become operational in a couple of weeks.”

Pastor Agbeti has taken this on at the leading of the Lord. He is on the front lines of two epidemics facing his country: Islam and Ebola. He and our small group are living examples of Isaiah 42:10 where the Lord instructs: “Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” They need help. They lack resources for Bibles, Ebola Prevention Materials, fitting the truck with video equipment, and fuel to reach the rural areas. Pastor Agbeti believes that the challenge in West Africa cannot be viewed as something that does not concern America–citing the recent ebola stricken man who came from West Africa to Dallas.

This is an example of how the leadership of one person is ultimately saving lives, both here on earth and eternally. He did not fear. He was not anxious. He knew there would be little or no help from the government. He has total faith in God. He is educating about how to prevent ebola and at the same time spreading the good news. We can do the same in this country. Educate yourself. Take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family. Use the opportunity to talk about the Lord. A quick way to educate yourself on ebola is Ray Gano’s short and to the point book: “Survive the Coming Storm: Ebola Crisis” available at Amazon ( ) for $5. Whether ebola or any other issue confronting us as Christians, this is a time when we need to challenge ourselves and one another to solve problems and glorify Christ.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries thanks Bill Wilson and


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