Edgewood Chamber: Insty Message, School Closure


A note from Chuck:

We would appreciate your prayers in this matter.  The Edgewood community and particularly, Valley View Christian Church, love this school, its children, teachers and staff.  We have adopted the school as one of our outreach missions for many years running.


Please make every attempt to attend the
School Board Meeting Tuesday December 17
at 6pm in the Moriarty High School Board Room.
The members of the School Board are considering
how they will fix a badly bleeding budget.
Closing a couple of schools and moving 6th graders to the Middle school are part of the solution.
Our problem is that they are thinking about closing
the ONLY Elementary School in the  Town of Edgewood.  We have been working very hard to attract new business to our area to create better paying jobs and help our general economy.
Do you know what it looks like when the ONE Elementary School in the actual Town of Edgewood is being closed down?
The school that is actually the star in the school district, with high evaluation grades?
If this is something you want to discuss further with the School Board and Superintendent Tom Sullivan,
I have attached their contact information at the bottom of this mini-blast.
Please, as members of our business community, contact board members, the superintendent, and
Senator Sue Wilson Beffort who has helped in the past.
Tom Sullivan: District Superintendent: 505-330-2600
Todd McCarty: School Board President
505-400-8478   McCarty@mac.com
Audrey Jaramillo, School Board Vice President:
Albert Chavez: School Board Member
505-239-2674  a2011sbm@yahoo.com
Elisabeth Howell: School Board Member
505-903-9762 paranch@q.com
Senator Sue Wilson Beffort
505-514-8667 or 505-292-7116
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