Many Are Suffering From The Results of Low Oil Prices


Many have been laid-off from their jobs in the oil fields around America. Lucy Gomez of Midland Texas makes this plea: Low prices are good for the general public but not for those that depend on the oil for their lively hood like my husband. Please continue to pray for all those men and women that have lost their jobs because of the oil prices.

Thank you Lucy, we are praying for you and Ruben and all the folks connected to the oil business. A Dear friend of mine lost his job this past week, he has a wife and children. oil prices

Yes many people and businesses that are connected to the life line of the oil industry are also suffering

Yesterday I posted this:

North Dakota, New Mexico and Other States Being Hit Hard by Drop in Oil Revenue

Now this:

Deadline Passes in U.S. Refinery Workers Contract Talks, Is A Strike Next?


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