NM Broadcaster Annette Garcia Reports On Her Trip To Israel

We are so blessed to have this report from the President of Son Broadcasting in New Mexico Annette Garcia. Annette was showing me video of her stay in Israel yesterday at the radio station, as she traveled the apple of God’s eye with “Christians in Solidarity” with Israel. One of the video’s is of her and the group running for safety into a bomb shelter. Something the people of Israel face everyday!  Can you even imagine how that would feel? Here is Annette’s report:  I just returned from “Christians in Solidarity with Israel” trip hosted by NRB President & CEO Jerry A. Johnson and Israel Ministry of Tourism.  On this trip a diverse group of Christian leaders visited the land, the people, and met with Israel leadership to stand in support of the nation’s right to defend itself from those who would deny their right to exist.  This was an incredible and timely opportunity to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as God has commanded us through His Word.  Our prayers and heart go out to all the people of the region.  The Palestinian people are under tremendous pressure and danger because of Hamas which uses them as human shields.  Hamas uses their homes, schools, mosque’s and hospital’s to launch missiles or to harbor terrorists.  The IDF warns the civilians by leaflets, text, and by sending a warning. 


While we were in Israel we traveled south near Ashkelon on the Gaza border as the cease fire ended and experienced just a sample of what it is like for the rest of the country to be under rocket attack.  We were standing in the Moshav Nativ Ha’asara listening to our host, and suddenly the alarm went off and we had only 15 seconds to run for cover to a shelter as a missile came in and hit a house in the Moshav.  The house hit happened to be the former house of our host who moved out just four weeks prior and the young family now living in it just had a baby, and thank God, were not home.  Our short trip continued with an intensity I believe God used to put a burden on our hearts to continue to pray and support Israel like never before.  We also experienced the awesome protection, presence and peace of God with the realization that we can rest assured in Him for protection.  The word tells us that He who watches over Israel neither slumbers or sleeps.  Son Broadcasting will continue to pray and support Israel  as we have for over 16 years and have plans for May 2015 as we take people to Israel through our ministry Partners in Prayer.   


Anne Graham Lotz was especially  touched and knew without a doubt that her purpose for this trip was to bring back a very important prayer initiative, “911 Pray Jerusalem”.  Praying for one hour on Monday, September 1, 2014.  Please see her video link included and please join me and others as we pray for Israel.  It doesn’t matter whether you are pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation, we are all called to pray and Biblically stand with Israel.  This is part of God’s calling for Son Broadcasting as we propagate the Gospel in this critical hour. 




On another note, I want to share with you a critical need Son Broadcasting has:  to catch up our Satellite Fund.  The satellite uplink is what feeds cable companies outside of the Santa Fe and Albuquerque areas.  Communities like Hobbs, Gallup, Grants, Shiprock and others will lose the Son Broadcasting signal over cable TV.  This does not affect our viewers who watch us over Dish/Direct but it still affects over 100,000 households.  Over the years we have had Satellite Missionaries who support the work through monthly gifts, but due to the economy and other factors some are not able to continue support and the fund falls behind.  Our satellite provider is now under new management and though we have been able to catch up in the past, the new management will not allow anyone to get behind.  Therefore we have until September 10th to pay $37,000 which will bring our account current.  Please pray that this goal will be met.  We have only lost our satellite coverage once in the past for one month and we are working towards and believing we will not be off the air for even one day this time.  Consider being a Satellite Missionary or making a substantial gift (Donate Today).  If you are a business we welcome you to sponsor or give a grant or donation that will help cover the monthly expense of $5300 per month. 


Thank you for making the best gift possible and realizing that Son Broadcasting is a very bright light for the Gospel in this very dark world. 


May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob hold you in His strong righteous right hand and continue to lead you in the path of righteousness for His name sake. 


Annette Garcia,

President-Son Broadcasting, KCHF TV


NRB Israel Solidarity Group

Dr. Johnson include Kay Arthur, Co-Founder, Precept Ministries; William A. Blount, President, Blount Communications Group, and Chairman, NRB Board of Directors; Richard P. Bott II, President & CEO, Bott Radio Network; Annette M. Garcia, President/GM, Son Broadcasting Co. Inc.; Richard Land, President, Southern Evangelical Seminary; Anne Graham Lotz, President, AnGeL Ministries; Catherine M. Pavlich, News Editor/Fox News Contributor, Townhall.com/Townhall Magazine; Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council; Jerry K. Rose, President & CEO, Total Living Network; and Chelsen A. Vicari, Evangelical Action Director, The Institute on Religion & Democracy.

Anne Graham Lotz was especially touched and knew without a doubt that her purpose for this trip was to bring back a very important prayer initiative, “911 Pray Jerusalem”.  Praying for one hour on Monday, September 1, 2014. Click here to see video.
Once again Israel is in the crosshairs of world opinion.  Nations are coming against Israel’s right to defend herself, and anti-Semitism is rising at an alarming rate.  According to the Word, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will ultimately judge every nation as to how Israel is treated.  The two hour Emergency Campaign “For Israel’s Sake: Joining Hands-Saving Lives”, brings together Christian Broadcasters and ministry leaders across denomination lines to join hands with one heart to show our solidarity with the people and nation of Israel.  The program will encourage people to pray “For Israel’s Sake”, to Stand “For Israel’s Sake” and to raise support “For Israel’s Sake”.Broadcast Date: Sunday, September 21st at 5pm-9pm
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