Obama Authorizes Military Action In Iraq


US Navy (USN Photograph)US air force begins air strikes against Isis targets in Iraq, Pentagon says gu.com/p/4vtt9/tw In a late night press conference at the White House, US President Barak Obama authorized the Pentagon to begin air strikes against the Islamic State (IS, formally ISIS) terror militia in northern Iraq, as well as humanitarian relief efforts for civilians trapped by the fighting there. “Today America is coming to help,” he declared, adding that the US would not be sending ground forces back to Iraq and would limit its military involvement to a specific range of missions including protecting US citizens in Iraq and providing relief for civilians under threat. As he spoke, reports emerged that US transport aircraft had already dropped food and water to refugees trapped and surrounded by IS terrorists. Meanwhile, IS units have taken ground in northern Iraq from the Kurdish forces and are now in position to attack Irbil, the capital of the Kurdish regional government, potentially destroying the only force which has thus far offered any protection to the regions Christian population and other minorities. Read More

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