Paul Becht, New Mexico’s First Self-Identified “Christian Conservative” To Run For Office, Dies


prayeringPastor Bill Ruhl, who is also Vice Chairman of FGGAM, reported on the passing of Paul Becht.  The Albuquerque Journal calls, Paul Becht, the first self-identified “Christian conservative” to run for state office in New Mexico. Mr. Becht was 76 years old at the time of his death.

Here’s what Pastor Bill wrote: Pastor Brad Ficklin’s step-father, Paul Becht, who was well known as a lawyer, politician, friend to so many here in New Mexico, and dear man of God passed over into eternity, through the veil of Christ, into the everlasting presence of God last week after a fall and head injury at his home(he had also been battling liver cancer and diabetes which complicated his treatment). Memorial services are scheduled for today, Wednesday, Jun11, 2014 at 5:30pm at Koinonia Ministry on Comanche (east of Eubanks NE) just east of Morris NE. Paul was a friend of both Monica and myself for over twenty years and we pray comfort for his family and join in celebrating his life. Please share this info. Blessings, Pastor Bill Ruhl

Mr. Becht first worked in government as a state purchasing agent under Gov. Cargo. Becht attempted to win the Republican nomination for Lt. Gov. in 1970, but lost out to Joe Skeen. Becht went on to serve 12 years in the state Senate.

Becht finished fifth in the 1986 primary election for the Republican nomination to run for Governor.  TV Evangelist Pat Robertson came to New Mexico at that time to help raise money for Becht’s campaign.

Please join us in praying for peace and comfort for the family! What a life for our Lord Mr. Becht lived! praise God! What a testimony!

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