Radio Program: The World We Live In 10/27/18

The World We Live In

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In this week’s program Pastor Paul Holt discusses healthcare in the US and its history in the US, same sex marriage being considered by the NM supreme court and marriage relationships and it’s effect on children. He even picks on Kim Kardashian’s recent engagement.


  1. WOW; I mean WOW!!! Best conversation on the description of a marriage between man and wife I’ve heard to date! While I pride myself in having what I consider the MOST blessed marriage and wife on God’s beautiful precious earth and having been through a Godly counseling prior to this marriage, I sure do wish we could have done that counseling with you. I have NEVER heard a better description of a Godly marriage & the proper construction of a good marriage; (and then to throw in how to maintain it), in ALL my life!!! Very very powerful Pastor and Thank You so very much. So glad we were able to hear your broadcast in the format you presented above. As your broadcast is at exactly the same time as we leave the house for church (which I WON’T give up) and we can’t get it on the radio here, I’m praying you will be able to continue this format.

    • Thank you Rick. I truly believe that our marriages will be saved by returning to the standard the Lord has set for us. Families and the church need us to put the needs of our spouses before our own.
      Also, pray that the Lord will continue to open the door for Dewey and I to be on the radio stations He desires.

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