Reclaiming Christmas for Jesus

Nuggets Of Truth
Weekdays @ 7:30 AM, 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM
On the Internet
 Pastor Don Kimbro of Nuggets of Truth passed along this information to FGGAM: It is exciting! Let us pray over this effort! In Jesus name, Amen! christmas giving 2
Greeting National Day of Prayer leaders in New Mexico,
I trust this quick email finds you all well!  I received a note from Lisa Crump, our NDP Task Force Prayer Coordinator, about reclaiming Christmas for Jesus.  As we approach the Christmas Season quickly we are trying to get as many people as possible to go to our state capitols and sing Christmas Carols on Dec. 13th.In order to do this we will have to get a permit to sing in the rotunda and get on the Capitol grounds.  Do we have any volunteers that would like to head this up??  Please let me know as soon as possible and those of you not in the Santa Fe area let’s all try to get there and sing unto the Lord the proclaiming of His Birth!

Let me know as soon as possible so we can line it all up.  Thanks again for your diligence and help for the National Day of Prayer in New Mexico!!

Gary Woodward
State Coordinator NDP for New Mexico
Ruidoso, NM (575) 578-0030 Office (575) 937-2849 Cell 

Subject: Reclaiming JESUS CHRIST in Christmas; simple, powerful, beautiful opportunity, free promo through KLOVE

Hello MOUTAIN NDP and friends,
I have long been burdened by Christmas in our culture being overcome by commercialism and happy holidays instead of the HOPE and LIFE from JESUS.  Do you feel this same burden?  Would like to help bring ‘JOY to the WORLD, the LORD has come’ back?  Just picture your children and grandchildren joining and helping us honor our LORD!
Then, I highly encourage you to listen to this short video below.  Would you help us host CAROLS AT THE CAPITOL this December?  The date is 12/13/14—interesting sequence:)
Get a permit for this date at your capitol to simply exalt Christ through Christian themed carols: no Rudolph, Santa, or Macy’s.  Together we can help assemble the whole nation to herald His coming to redeem the whole world.
Please email Andrea O’Brien, copied above and founder of Carols of the Capitol) of your interest and your state capitol city/state.  Some of you could work on this together within a given state.  Also please copy your National Area Leader (NAL) of your interest.  It can even be accappella or give a worship team a new opportunity: herald our King out of the church walls.
KLOVE wants to contact their state affiliates to help you promote this God given vision.  I know it seems early, but pray and seek a permit.  It is my deep hope that NDP with other ministries and churches can help Reclaim our LORD JESUS CHRIST in Christmas.  Keep it simple:)
O Come All Ye Faithful!
Lisa Crump
Senior Director, Prayer Mobilization

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