Pastor Jimmy Sandoval Shares On The Passing Of His Son


Jimmys son

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

If all images do not show for you on your CUP, please go to FGGAM.ORG

The above picture is of Pastor Jimmy Sandoval’s son, Josiah 22 years of age, who was killed in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, story below.

We got this message yesterday……….

New Mexico Watchman and FGGAM Board member Jose Vasquez sent FGGAM this tragic news……

Prayer-Meeting-LogoLet us be in prayer:  Pastor Jimmy and Brenda Sandoval of Santa Fe, NM lost their son Josiah in a motorcycle accident last Saturday.  The family appreciates the outpouring of concern and sympathy they have received.

Pastor Sandoval has extended an open invitation to all his fellow pastors to join him on Friday, August 29 at 9:00 a.m. at the Light at Mission Viejo, 4601 Mission Bend (off Richards Avenue and I-25).  The meeting is an opportunity to pray together and to discuss participation in Josiah’s funeral service.

Josiah Sandoval’s funeral will be held on Saturday, August 30 at 11:00 a.m. at Christian Life Fellowship Assembly of God, 121 Siringo Road. 

Please join Pastor Sandoval and Pastor Ron Sebesta at the Light at Mission Viejo on Friday.
We hope to see you there.  God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Barnabas Institute/Center for Christian Community Jose and Miki Vasquez in Santa Fe, NM

From Pastor Dewey: Thank you for letting us know Jose and Miki.

Some of you from Time To Revive will remember Pastor Jimmy from the revivals, like in Asheville, NC.  Pastor Jimmy also aired a program on KKIM Radio years ago. I talked to Jimmy today,  he and his wife and family are so very grateful for the out pouring of love.

Please be in constant prayer for the Sandoval family.

I checked in with Pastor Jimmy today…now I know why the Lord delayed me in getting the CUP out! He wanted us to read what Pastor Jimmy just sent me about the death of his son………..

Our son Josiah believed in Jesus. Our son was not perfect, he struggled as we all do. He loved riding motorcycles, he loved life, and he loved people. When he was in vitro, the ultra sound showed him smiling in his mothers womb! His smile was a signature characteristic! Our God has decided that our son be in eternity now. We are fine with that. We would have asked for substitute had God asked us…but only ONE BEING has the ultimate say in matters of life or death…WE TRUST HIM….”…in Him is NO DARKNESS at all…” 1st John
I had a good night sleep finally….I hope this message, the message of our son’s life and death… will be useful to others as it has been to us in the family and to ​other young men. Here is a verse that comes to the forefront of my thinking….”throw your self down since it is written…’He shall not let thy foot strike a stone’ …it is also written …’thou shalt not test the Lord thy God” Even as the Son of God…(a special position) one cannot presume upon God to protect us especially if we make choices that lead to difficult consequence…we think…(from initial report)…that our son made a bad decision in the manner he drove that morning…the consequence was fatal. It does not mean he lost his salvation, it does not mean God is mean, it does mean that consequences are real for all of us, (Christian or not) We are settled with what God in His Sovereignty has allowed. He is perfect in all His ways…we are not. I could have made better decisions too about guidance in his life. (I do not “blame” myself) I just realize that I could have made some better decisions…God has used and I believe will use the outcome of this event to help make me a better dad, and a better man and a better Pastor. God has used this to bring about reconciliation in our family and we hope in the body of Christ in Santa Fe!
 We believe in Jesus’ promises…the life the resurrection the hope of our faith…

Pastor Jimmy Sandoval

POWERFUL! You probably shed tears just like me as you read this message from Pastor Jimmy. Let us keep praying for the Sandoval family.

Let us all be in constant prayer, thank you.


Part of my ongoing testimony is…wait upon the Lord, don’t get ahead of Him. He told me to wait on this CUP, little did I know why.

I have to tell you that we are so touched by your notes of love as we celebrate 2 years here at FGGAM. Some might say “Why on earth are you celebrating just 2 years?” Well, it is because we celebrate God’s goodness everyday, every minute, and this 2 year journey is an awesome testimony on how God works! We look back and see such an awesome movement of God in our lives and many other people, like the 30 plus writers here at FGGAM and all the readers! The lessons I have learned our enormous.  I pray that I will be a better person for God, that I will have a “Christ like mind”, more and more. I have really learned not to get ahead of God, because that when mistakes happen. Even when things may move slow for you, or get tough, you have to let God lead the way, you have to listen to Him and follow Him. You have to have Friends to help lead you in this journey of life, they will help you avoid the ‘land mines’ of life. You have got to subject your self to accountability. Then watch God move in powerful ways that you could never imagine! That is what has happened here at FGGAM, it’s beyond my dreams! I’m asking you all right now, have you given all of yourself to God and His ways? Are you doing what God has called you to do with your life? Be obedient to God always, wake up every morning with the intent to please God, not man! Good question everyday is, “God, am I pleasing You in all I do?” Then ask God help in removing what is not pleasing to Him.

If you have questions on this, just contact me.

As many of you know I love to get mail and a card came today with a love offering from Leslie and Dave in Albuquerque. I Love cards, I love people that take the time to write and mail a letter or card. Here’s what Leslie wrote………

Pastor Dewey and Sister Sharon,

Just sending a letter of love your way. Thank you for your dedication and love to your ministry. Without it I don’t know where I’d be. Ever since those uplifting chats when RJ was in the hospital to just passing in the parking lot of the Post Office or around town, you always have the time for sharing God’s love, thank you and Bless you! Always in His love, Leslie and Dave Mouser in Albuquerque.

Thank you for the love Leslie and Dave. Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24

Last night I got this note from Tan Tian in Malaysia, Tan has been a friend of mine since the late 70’s, we roomed in the same boarding house in Minneapolis while going to College. This not blows me away…Tan put one of our postings in Chinese and sent it to a magazine in China! PTL!

Hi, Dewey, I give below the paragraph about FGGAM and your ministry in one of the Chinese Magazine…..

I (Tan Tian) did put some comments on my friend Mr. Dewey Moede on his ministry with FGGAM in the US. in one of the Chinese Magazine, which mentioned that “China on course to become ‘world’s most Christian nation’ within 15 years. The number of Christians in Communist China is growing so steadily that it by 2030 it could have more churchgoers than America”.

Part of my comments in Chinese as follow:

…….FGGAM 致力于通过新闻和观点,耶稣基督的人生,讲道,教导和时事评论……..

I am so in AWE of GOD!!!! AMEN!!! Thank you Tan for being a shining light for Jesus Christ.

It’s all about God! It’s all about doing the work that God has called us to do.

Pastor Bill Ruhl does an excellent job in the following post of describing the journey of FGGAM……

imageFGGAM – Reminiscing. There’s a word I don’t see often used anymore, but God’s Word calls us to do just that at times. Sometimes it helps to just stop and meditate on a matter, to think back on it, to ask Holy Spirit to call things to your remembrance. Pause, think…”Selah!”

Well, today my dear friend and colleague, Dewey Moede, called to ask if I would write something about the beginnings of FGGAM. I had another senior moment and just couldn’t get my mind wrapped around that time two years ago when we found ourselves at the beginning of what has become a great God adventure…FGGAM. So, Dewey and I reminisced for a while. We went back to that day when I showed up at the radio station to load up the last few items from his office, close that door on a wonderful chapter in his life, and open the door to…Well, we didn’t know to exactly what, just that God said, “Go!”.

Arriving at Dewey’s home we offloaded his belongings and then stood in the driveway talking about what could be and what possibly would be. You know, how do you really become anxious for nothing, at the beginning of something, that was not anything yet…at least that natural eyes could see? We recognized God’s habit of calling His servants and then responding as they respond out of believing. How He delivers the necessary measure of His faith, to our belief in His promises, that is sufficient to allow us to proceed…and succeed.

Over the past two years God has developed many different aspects of this ministry called FGGAM, knitting relationships together and opening doors of opportunity to teach, pastor, and preach through its website, Dewey’s Daily Cup, radio, TV, and in many different houses of worship. All the time the Lord has been creating and perfecting the “Pastor” in Dewey and providing the resources and support base to sustain this ministry.

When one takes a moment to pause and reflect, to reminisce, you encounter that peace that says, “Selah” and yet there’s still much more to be done. Looking forward to the years ahead, won’t you take a moment to reminisce over how Dewey and this ministry has impacted you; and while doing so ask the Lord how you might support FGGAM today. “Selah”

Blessings, Pastor Bill Ruhl – Global Destiny Ministry – Vice Chair FGGAM.  Pastor Bill is pictured here with his lovely wife Monica bill and monica anniversary

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