Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Was Drunk at State of The Union


Ginsberg drunkAmerica is one nation AWAY from God. We are no longer a nation under God. Lord help us, a drunk Supreme Court Justice! Shameful! At the State of The Union. Yahoo News reports: The justice , Ginsburg,  admitted Thursday that she nodded off during President Obama’s State of the Union after imbibing just a little too much at dinner “We sit there, stone-faced, the sober judges, but we’re not — at least I wasn’t — 100 percent sober, because before we went to the State of the Union we had dinner together, and I vowed this year, ‘Just sparkling water, stay away from the wine!’ But in the end, the dinner was so delicious it needed wine to accompany it.”

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

(credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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