Evangelist Tom Lester of ‘Green Acres’ Passes into the Arms of Jesus


Sharon and I became friends with Tom Lester years ago. I have not talked to him in a long time. I had him on my radio show more than a few times. I remember him telling me he could not do it anymore because of his failing health that was affecting his speech. It broke his heart when he could not go out an evangelize. Once Tom moved to Nashville I did not hear from him. Sharon and I loved talking to him, what a Man of God who was so filled with the love of Jesus!

I still watch Green Acres from time to time to see my old friend. I will remember forever the story he told me of when he traveled with Billy Graham for a bit. Tom said that Billy never preached without preaching on heaven, hell, sin, repentance and salvation.

Tom was also a donor to FGGAM which blessed us so very much!

Tom now is with Jesus, which was what he has been looking forwards to.

News report on Tom Lester

God Bless the memory of Tom Lester!

One of My Interviews With My Buddy Tom Lester


  1. Met you in Farmland Indiana. Was a blessing to our lives. Glad your alive and well. Miss your letters. your friends in Christ!

  2. Met you in Chipley Floruda. You were a guest of our pastor Frank McCoy and we all went out to eat after church. I still have the note you write me. I am Debra Enfinger Corbin from Chipley, Florida. Glad you are doing well.

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