A Visit with ‘Eb’ Tom Lester


Sharon and I had a blessed telephone call yesterday with our Dear friend Tom Lester who played Eb in the TV series Green Acres and traveled with Billy Graham speaking at 3 Crusades. Tom has been on my radio show many times. He has spoken in over 1,000 Churches during his life.  He is all about Bringing people to Jesus.  He is 76 years old now the last living cast member of Green Acres I am so thankful to the Lord that Tom has become such a Dear, Dear friend. He lives on his families farm near Laurel, Mississippi. Tom has helped make me a better man of God, a better Preacher, Amen! Tom Lester By the way you, click on the link below to hear our December 1st radio program of 2014 with Tom as my guest, we have also posted a video of Tom’s testimony. God Bless you and yours!


The World We Live In Radio Podcast 12-1-14 with Pastor Dewey Moede

Tom Lester Last Living Cast Member Of ‘Green Acres’

‘Elly May’ Donna Douglas of ‘Beverley Hillbillies’ Fame Dies


  1. Is Tom Lester still making personal appearances? I had him at the church I served in Florida several years ago and would love to have him speak at my church in the Metro Atlanta area (McDonough).

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