Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
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Since Monday was a holiday, we are doing our radio program today on KDAZ AM730, please tune in at noon!
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If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to
“The men who escape without abuse in this world are the men who do nothing at all.”
I met a man awhile back named Rick Stambaugh. What a blessing to get to know this man! Vietnam War Vet. By talking with Rick and having Buffy and Reno with me, (Rick loves dogs!) he came back to God. He attended Christ Full Deliverance Ministries where I was preaching one Sunday. Rick and his lovely wife Sandy joined Marty and Paulette Cooper’s church. PRAISE GOD! Shortly thereafter Rick came down with stage 4 cancer. Some would be mad at God! What do you mean God? I come back to you and I get cancer! Not Rick! His faith carries him to this day in our Lord Jesus Christ! Rick knows that he came back to God just in time. Faith? Do you and I have the Faith of Rick?
Friday morning Rick sent me this email……….
Really rough night and thought maybe it was time (going to heaven) about 11pm last night.
Someone attacked and I could barely breathe for several hours.
In haste, not fear, forgot what to do.
About 2:30 I finally remembered. I just need to put it in God’s hands.
I Immediately was given the answer…….
Caused by a new pain medication patch I just went on……..
Patch removed and problem resolved by 3:30am
Tired but doing fine!!!!
Love you and can’t wait to see you all Sunday!!
Praise God!
Do you and I have the faith of Rick?

Pastor Dewey preaching at Christ Full Deliverance Ministries this past Sunday. If you would like Dewey to Preach at your Church, speak at your event, or teach to your group or have Sharon as a speaker just or call 505-681-0331. I just so love to preach the word of God! Amen! It was such a great blessing to preach this past Sunday, as FGGAM turned 1 year old on Sunday! PRAISE GOD! Thank you all for your love and support!
We are praying for the missing firefighter in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. See our story here:
I close with this, The Lord was stopping me from sending out the CUP. There was something else that He wanted me to send…..I believe this is it……..even thou it was for Father’s Day…….it is for everyday .I wrote this in June and it is still getting read:
I have been asked to put forth a Father’s Day prayer…….people looking for a Father’s Day prayer…….Let us be in prayer as you read this note…… prayer letter to you all!
I just got done talking to a man who is a great Dad….but cannot see his son because of a divorce.
Here is my prayer as I write to you………Men are taking a lot of heat, to be Godly men……….but this
morning what God has shown me is that there are Godly men all around us! I have called out many
times for men to be men, I believe this morning that more men than I know of are striving to be men of
God. What God has shown me over the last several years is that many men fear, more men in the
history of the United States have grown up without Dad’s in the home, so they have not had a role
model in the house. It is our duty to help these men grow into Godly Men. I believe the harvest
time is now and many hearts are ready.
God has shown me this. It is time to show these men, the love of Jesus Christ. It is time to gain
their trust so they can be vulnerable in our Lord.
So many that appear happy to you on the surface are carrying much hurt around. The hurt is deep
and one talk will not make the hurt go away…… is a Godly process………it is a process that
takes time and prayer and the movement of God………it is all about God.
I thank all of you for your love and the folks that are asking me for a Father’s Day prayer………
I thank all of you who have sent me Godly love notes on this Father’s Day……….I am thankful for
all the Godly role models God has sent into my life. I stress to men that we need to seek other
Godly men to learn from them. Men, we do not need to be bashful of our love of Jesus Christ.
Show that love to the world, and you will help other men fall in love with Jesus, because that is
what Father’s Day is all about, God our Father!
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey
The best financial advice I can give is this: Invest in other people, men, in the lives of others! The Dividends are priceless! This means take the time!
My life verse: My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24
We always must be sensitive to God and listen for Him. I cannot send the CUP out unless He says so. Today He stopped me and wanted me to include the prayer for Father’s Day.
For God’s Glory alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family
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If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift. You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal
. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name.
Thank you,Dewey Moede
If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to
If you do not wish to be on this email list please kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at – we will take you off this email list asap
PRAISE GOD & thank you so very much for choosing our precious & GODLY church to celebrate the 1st anniversary of FGGAM this past Sunday Pastor Dewey !!! What a glorious day for both you & our LORD !!! I encourage all to have this GODLY man spread his loving words for our LORD at your church also. It’s is a wonderful experience you will never forget. This man spends his every day in the fight for our LORD and in bringing lost souls to or back to HIM !!! His mission is clear & his dedication is all to obvious !!! As for me, I’m no hero, just extremely glad to have been brought back to the church & our LORD. GOD has a plan and brought you to my store with a mission which you accomplished with ease. Three precious words you spoke as you departed our store started my recovery. “GOD BLESS YOU”. I now utilize these words each and every time I possibly can and the response from both believers & none believers is tremendous!!! (You taught me well!). I pray everyone can be as fortunate as I have been and recommend you keep GOD in your heart at all times. Not knowing about my stage 4 cancer, I was fortunate enough to have been brought back in time that I may look forward to the ultimate goal, (Heaven). Don’t take the chance, FOLLOW HIM EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE !!! I can live the remainder of my life here on GOD’s glorious earth without fear as I now know I will eventually reach the ultimate goal whenever GOD chooses that to be !!!
rick stambaugh, U.S. Navy Retired