Holy Cow Batman! Balloon Right At Our Front Door!


Holy Cow Batman! or Holy Cow balloon! This one barely cleared our house! The pilot was talking to me (That’s how close he was to our house, right above our front door, he was such a dear, he apologized for being so close!) and said he thinks he’s going to clear the roofs in the neighborhood! He did! Praise God! One of the beauty’s of living in Albuquerque is watching the balloons during the cool mornings we have been having, but sometimes there are close calls! Picture one is right above our house, as he clears our roof, Picture two, he then clears the neighborhood and sees a landing site. Lot’s of excitement in the neighborhood this morning, Buffy and Reno I think “barked” the balloon further along! LOL!
hot air deweys house 1hot air deweys house 2

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