New Mexico Has Refused To Diversify! Results: Nearly 5,000 Jobs Lost In June


I have lived in New Mexico since 1995, I love this state, I pray for my state constantly. When we moved here in 95 I was in shock with casinos rising up into the sky, with a Republican Governor! To me that meant sin, crime, bankruptcies, etc….I think I remember people telling me that casinos and the lottery would improve education in New Mexico, are we at the bottom yet? I also heard the cry from many that New Mexico better diversify it’s economy and not rely on “Daddy Green Bucks”, the federal government. What is the figure now? 35% of New Mexico gets a pay check from the Fed’s? You see nothing has changed, except the economy worsens in New Mexico. The middle class is being destroyed and many are just plainly falling off the cliff. With a bad economy, crime such as drugs, alcohol, robberies, domestic abuse, and etc. increase. It was just reported that New Mexico leads the nation in Alcohol related deaths. The Republicans and Democrats should be ashamed of themselves because both parties have had the opportunity to “fix” New Mexico with Godly solutions, but as usual politics rules. Politics needs to go away, all these fund raisers need to go away, For heaven sakes Politicians raise more money at a one night party than the average New Mexican makes in 1 year! God and His 10 commandments need to come first, then His people. Unless this happens, New Mexico and America will continue to fall. New Mexico loses nearly 5,000 jobs in month of June WIDE 

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