Heroin, Mexican Drug Cartel, APD Understaffed, Where is King And Martinez?


News and Views-DeweyOur house was broken into a couple of weeks ago. A couple of months ago the house up the street was broken into.

This is unusual for our neighborhood. Crime is out of control in Albuquerque. I stated on our radio program yesterday that the “Chamber of Commerce” types don’t like this talk because they are afraid that it will hurt tourism and businesses moving in.

Sorry, we will not let you hide from the truth. There are to many victims of murder and robbery in this city. Families have been destroyed by murder in this city. Heroin addiction is rampant in Albuquerque, I am helping two families right now that have sons with this problem.

My Doctor calls it the, “no moral code” drug. I am told that the Mexican drug cartel has bought homes in Albuquerque and move in families that then give away, yes free, heroin to kids and get them addicted and then charge for this satanic drug. This comes from a very reliable source,I’m  not giving the name because I am not going to put this family at risk.

What was it? In a period of a week Albuquerque had 4 murders? Now comes the news this morning in the Albuquerque Journal in a story by Dan MCKay that the City does not have enough money to man the Police force up to 940 officers.

What happened to all this talk by the Mayor and City Council members that we needed at least 1,000 officers? In fact the City budget calls for 1,000 officers. Albuquerque had 1,100 officers in 2o11.

Albuquerque Police Chief Gordon Eden says he needs 940 officers to protect the city. So, I guess this means we are not a safe city. Victims will agree.  With the break in to our house I have had the blessing to meet and talk with around 8 officers.

They tell me they are understaffed, it took them 3 hours to get to our robbery call because they have such a backlog, they are tired and stressed. They are under paid, we are not attracting officers because of what the City pays new officers.

This is a serious problem that not only does Albuquerque face, but many cities in America. Through this experience of having our house broken into I have learned a lot about what our Police officers face everyday, the danger, the red tape, arresting thugs and then having them out on the street the same day,the  horrible heroin problem and other nasty drugs,  weak  Judges, the DA office in Bernalillo County is a mess, understaffed, and low pay. It seems to me that there has been poor planning and lack of support by the City of Albuquerque to our Police force.

Let us all pray for the safety of our heroes!

Is it not interesting that Governor Susanna Martinez and her opponent in the upcoming election, Attorney General Gary King have not addressed the issue of heroin in New Mexico?

In fact, they both have not addressed the issue of violent crime in New Mexico. They have not addressed corruption like in Rio Arriba County, where the FBI just busted the Sheriff and his son. Rio Arriba County has been a haven for corruption.

We have a Governor and Attorney General  that do not address serious problems like crime, drugs, and the Mexican drug cartel being active here, they ignore the border issue, unlike our neighbor Texas Governor Rick Perry. Some will say that Perry has nothing to lose, he’s not running for re-election, hogwash, he is the same guy that has run for re-election over the years for Governor and we can only pray that he will run for President. he has the Democrats so scared they got an indictment filed against Perry.

Martinez and King are more of the same for New Mexico, when our we going to learn that we cannot keep electing the same type of people and expecting different results? Sadly many people like myself expected a change in how New Mexico does business with the election of Governor Martinez, but sadly that has not happened. Proof: The New Mexico Republican Party running Alan Weh against Udall, how silly is it for the Republican’s to think that Alan Weh can beat Udall.  Weh carries to much baggage, like his treatment of Governor Martinez when he was running for Governor, his ad campaign was just pure nasty and his past treatment of others in the Republican part has been awful at times. He has burned bridges.

We need new blood, not more of the same, these people have had their chances, we need strong people of God to step up and run for office!

Police officers in Albuquerque tell me that we have violent gangs from South America that have set up shop here.

You cannot have a thriving society with all this going on.

Listen the latest FGGAM Radio program, bringing you the truth you need to know:

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 8-18-14 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt

Also from our reporter in Texas, Dr. Joe Fawcett:

What’s Going on with Rick Perry?

Get the latest on the border crises in New Mexico from FGGAM’s Paul Holt:

New Mexicans Protest Both Sides of Immigrant Detention in Artesia

Also this from KKIM Radio’s Frank Haley:
(Albuquerque/Santa Fe) — Petitioners calling for decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana have filed enough valid voter signatures to put a proposal on the ballot in Santa Fe.

In Albuquerque, however, the picture is not so clear. The City Council last night narrowly agreed to ask voters whether they support reducing marijuana penalties.

But the measure still faces at least two potential challenges – the possibility of a mayoral veto and a shortage of space on the Nov. 4 ballot.

Read more here on the Mexican Drug Cartel and the ISIS:

US Representative Claims Link Between ISIS and Mexican Drug Cartels



A parent here in Albuquerque, New Mexico who has a child that is addicted to heroin shared with me this excellent video done by KOB TV  on the heroin problem here in this state. “There are No Exceptions to Addictions” Watch this video and share!

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