Frm. Lt. Governor of NM Walter Bradley Asks: Why FGGAM?


Walter-Bradley-300x240 Friends-of-FGGAM Picture is of Frm. Lt. Governor of New Mexico, Walter Bradley As FGGAM celebrates 2 years of service to our Lord we have asked you all to share your thoughts on FGGAM, how is has touched your life and any other thoughts you may have, for God’s Glory Alone! This note comes from a man, who is my hero and mentor, who I pray will be Governor of New Mexico someday! Former Lt. Governor Walter Bradlaey….. Why FGGAM? Why does a country called America that was founded on Christian Faith principles need a ministry that reaches out to everyone? Why should I or anyone else support such a ministry? I have a church home and everyone can go find a church, Right? The answer comes right out of the Bible and is a definite NO! God told us and His son came to the earth to tell us…we must seek the unbelievers and bring them to our Lord. We must obey the Great Commission and be the disciples of the Lord and seek to build God’s church. In today’s culture in America where no one is held accountable for their actions and where the attitude is “if it feels good..Do It” and Christians are called racists and bigots and forced to close their businesses for standing firm for God’s law we cannot reach out enough. I have known the founders of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries for many many years and I know where their heart lies. It is with God who has blessed them with talent to reach out and move people to join with God and do His work. Dewey and his family have and continue to expand the reach of our Lord and they do it with understanding and Love for all of us. What a joy it is to have a cup with the FGGAM family and read and hear of real life miracles from this ministry. Come join this family and feel real Peace in this turbulent world. Walter Bradley in Clovis, NM Frm. Lt. Governor NM

From Pastor Dewey:

Part of my ongoing testimony is…wait upon the Lord, don’t get ahead of Him. He told me to wait on this CUP, little did I know why.

I have to tell you that we are so touched by your notes of love as we celebrate 2 years here at FGGAM. Some might say “Why on earth are you celebrating just 2 years?” Well, it is because we celebrate God’s goodness everyday, every minute, and this 2 year journey is an awesome testimony on how God works! We look back and see such an awesome movement of God in our lives and many other people, like the 30 plus writers here at FGGAM and all the readers! The lessons I have learned our enormous.  I pray that I will be a better person for God, that I will have a “Christ like mind”, more and more. I have really learned not to get ahead of God, because that when mistakes happen. Even when things may move slow for you, or get tough, you have to let God lead the way, you have to listen to Him and follow Him. You have to have Friends to help lead you in this journey of life, they will help you avoid the ‘land mines’ of life. You have got to subject your self to accountability. Then watch God move in powerful ways that you could never imagine! That is what has happened here at FGGAM, it’s beyond my dreams! I’m asking you all right now, have you given all of yourself to God and His ways? Are you doing what God has called you to do with your life? Be obedient to God always, wake up every morning with the intent to please God, not man! Good question everyday is, “God, am I pleasing You in all I do?” Then ask God help in removing what is not pleasing to Him.

If you have questions on this, just contact me.

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