Heaven Is For Real


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Last night Sharon and I watched the movie, ‘Heaven is For Real’. We wept through much of the movie, a movie of God’s goodness. I know some people have criticized this movie, saying that it was not Biblical enough, but for heavens sake, it is a movie of goodness, purity, the faith of a child, and hope. It is a movie that can soften your heart for God and His people. It is a movie to remind us adults to have ‘childlike faith’. Hearts can become harden as the years go by and the songs we would sing in Sunday School are just a faint memory. The movie for me, brought me way back to Sunday school and the lessons I was taught.

The movie gave me and Sharon a piece of heaven, We both have read the book and will read it again.

Sharon and I have a goal, that is given to us by God, to give each other and those around us a piece of heaven each day. Whether it’s just a smile, a hug, holding a door, expressing thanks for a service provided, etc…it’s all about giving a piece of heaven to everyone that you meet. That theme came through strong in the movie.

What a world it would be if everyone would give each other a piece of heaven each day.

I also encourage us all to do as Jesus said, have ‘childlike faith’

Matt. 18: 2-4 …2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4″Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.…

Way too many times adult Christians make it hard for people to see Jesus.

Let us all soften our hearts this day and all days before our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is a man I met 6 years ago that has childlike faith, same with his wife, they are celebrating 45 years of marriage today.

Pastor Don Kimbro called me one day 6 years ago, a call that changed my life, he said I have a Pastor you need to meet, he just returned from India.

I placed a call to Pastor Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood, New Mexico. When Leonard came to the phone I will never forget his hesitancy, the church secretary had answered my call, I think he was wondering why a radio guy was calling him! From that first conversation we built a Godly relationship, he came on the radio with me to talk about his mission trip to India, his heart for children. He gave me a piece of heaven. From that time Leonard showed me how to walk with Jesus Christ. How to give others a piece of heaven. He became a mentor and still is today. He is always asking people, “How can I pray for you?’ Leonard has helped me in so many ways I cannot list them all here. He has helped me and Sharon through leaving KKIM to moving into the full time ministry of FGGAM. He has prayed for our son, Lars, through leaving Albuquerque to graduating from Columbia in Chicago.

Leonard shows me heaven each time I talk to him or meet with him. It is my goal that I do the same.

A strong man of God also has a strong women of God beside him and Leonard certainly has that in his wife Diana. I have not been fortunate to be able to spend much time with Diana but I know from so many people the hearts she touches for Jesus Christ. She is such a Godly wife, mother and grandparent. I followed the journey of Diana taking care of her mother until the Lord called her home, the love of a daughter and mother shined through to so many, a great testimony of Godly love.

You see, Leonard and Diana give a piece of heaven to everyone they meet.

I ask myself each day, am I living a life that pleases God?, Leonard and Diana are role models for us all on how to live for Jesus Christ, you see they show us that heaven is for real. Let us all strive to share the love of Jesus Christ, a piece of heaven, to everyone we meet, Amen!

Leonard and Diana

Leonard and Diana are celebrating 45 years of marriage today.

A true testimony of how we live our lives is in the words of our children and our children’s  spouses.

Let me share this note from their son Pastor Brandon Navarre of Midland Texas……..

Growing up in the Navarre household was not very easy sometimes. One of the hardest things was always hearing how wonderful my parents were. If we visited another church or attended church camp over the summer it was always the same thing: “You’re Leonard and Diana’s son? They are such wonderful people.” I enjoyed hearing it, but to me they were just mom and dad.

As I grew up I spent a lot of time trying to get out of the Navarre shadow. Until the day I stopped fighting it, and embraced it. It was about that time that I began to realize just how wonderful these people were. The reality is, I don’t know what I would do without either one of them. I know many people who have lost their parents by this age, and I hurt for them because I know what a blessing is it to call either one of my parents when I need something – anything.

I cannot express enough just how great of an example my parents are in every area of life. Most importantly, they are the greatest example of Christ I have ever known. I’ve known people that have been more patient then my dad, and I’m sure my mom has faults too that I refuse to mention. But I have never met two people more in love with Jesus, and with a heart and willingness to share that love. They have opened their home to the hurting, fed the needy, healed broken hearts and broken marriages, and always been an open door to encouragement for hundreds of friends and family.

If heaven has a dictionary, and you were to look up Christian Parenting & Leadership, I’m certain that among the other pictures of family legacies through the centuries you would find the Navarre’s. It might not have always been the easiest home to grow up in, but it was definitely the one God ordained for me since the beginning of creation. And I would not have had it any other way.

God Bless you all,

Brandon Navarre

Leonard and Diana’s son-in-law, Brandon Shaffer, married to their daughter Tara, is the lead Pastor at Valley View Christian Church where Leonard serves as a Pastor. Here is a note from Pastor Brandon……….

For most of my adult life I’ve held Leonard and Diana in high regard. There’s a
few specific areas where they both have made an impact in my life. They’ve
served as examples of the Christian journey and mentors in my walk with Jesus.
As a young Christian and pastor they were examples for me to look to and seek
guidance. For the last 8 years they have been ministry partners. Leonard has 40+
years of ministry experience and the wisdom that comes with that. Valley View is
incredibly fortunate to have him as one of our associate pastors. More than
anything, Leonard and Diana have been have been a source of strength and
encouragement for our family through some of our difficult challenges through
the years. No one will ever know how much they’ve done to support us through
Tara’s health challenges.

Brandon Shaffer
Lead Pastor
Valley View Christian Church, Edgewood, New Mexico

What testimonies! Thank you to both Brandon’s for sharing!

We pray that this CUP blesses your life! Amen!

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP, with us and Leonard and Diana and family.

Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

For God’s Glory alone, let us continue to pray for each other and our families.


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