NO MORAL CODE: More Drunks In New Mexico Result in Deaths, Man Sells Beer to Kids


News and Views-DeweyI do not hear the two candidates for Governor in New Mexico addressing immoral behavior, we are now in a “no moral code” zone here in New Mexico and the entire United States. Watching these two folks run for Governor is as exciting and hopeful as watching an old car rust! More of the same, POLITICS!  Instead of addressing the people’s business! Our society continues to fall apart, revival for God is needed in our homes, it starts with you and me! We are losing our young people at record levels because of problems in the home, divorce, adultery, abortion,  drugs, booze and gangs. I hear nothing coming out of the mouths of the two running for Governor of New Mexico on these issues, just attacking each other. I do not see anyone running for office in New Mexico, both Republican, Democrat or Independent addressing these issues! Frank Haley reported weeks ago that the CDC announced that New Mexico was number one in the nation in alcohol related deaths. Name me one politician in New Mexico that is addressing these issues!

What is it about alcohol that people love so much? Nothing good ever happens with alcohol. Nothing good ever happens after 10pm.

If you drink booze, I ask you, do you think that pleases God? What does booze give you that God can’t give you? Everyday we awake, we should ask God if our life is pleasing to Him, Our Creator.

“to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” Jude 1:15

And the tragedies continue…………….

Hatch man accused of selling beer to kids in crash

Deputies in Don Ana County New Mexico say they’ve arrested a 65-year-old Hatch man on charges he sold beer to teens who later were involved in a fatal crash that killed two people.

Alfredo Alaniz was charged with unlawful sale of alcoholic beverages, selling or giving alcohol to a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Deputies say in a news release that Alaniz was operating a makeshift store at his home and sold eight cans of beer to a 13-year-old boy for $10 Tuesday night. Better lock this guy up and throw the key away for years!

The boy and two 16-year-old girls were later involved in a crash when their pickup veered into oncoming traffic. One of the girls and the driver of another car were killed.

The girl driving the pickup is jailed without bond and facing numerous charges.

Espanola police officer on leave over DWI charge

An Espanola, New Mexico police officer has been put on administrative leave after an off-duty drunken driving arrest….

Police Chief Richard Gallegos says that 29-year-old Jose Martinez of Tierra Amarilla was driving his personal motorcycle when state police arrested him early Tuesday.

Martinez was driving 62 mph in a 45 mph zone and refused to submit to a breath-alcohol test. a shot of liquor.
Martinez was released on a $5,000 bond after pleading not guilty to aggravated DWI and speeding.

Yep, even state workers cannot behave themselves:

New Mexico Dept. of Transportation Gathering Turns into Drunk Party

Billy Graham: ‘America is Just as Wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah Ever Were’


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