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If we complained less…..

Denise card decDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

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If we complained less, and praised more, we should be happier, and God would be more glorified. Let us daily praise God for COMMON MERCIES!, common as we frequently call them, and yet so priceless, that when deprived of them we are ready to perish. Let us bless God for the eyes with which we behold the sun, for the health and strength to walk abroad, for the bread we eat, for the raiment we wear. Let us praise Him that we are not cast out among the hopeless, or confined amongst the guilty; let us thank Him for liberty, for friends, for family associations and comforts; let us praise Him, in fact for everything which we receive from His bounteous hand, in fact, for we deserve little, and yet we are most plenteously endowed.

The words of Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892 He may have been the greatest preacher the Lord has ever sent. Today’s Church would be wise to read his sermons.

“O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men” Psalm 107: 8

When I read this by Spurgeon, I thought of Cowboy Clarence Montoya a young man who lives his life in a wheelchair and never complains. I think of my neighbor from the 70’s Ellen Jarmer, paralyzed on her right side, never complained, I think of Denise O’Brien who is blind, but can see better than most, she never complains. I just got a hand written Christmas card from Denise, more on that later in a new post that is coming.Rick Stambaugh who writes for us here at FGGAM, cancer and constant pain, never complains.  I think of our dogs, Buffy on her 3rd cancer, stage four, never complains, smiles and loves on me, Reno who had major cancer surgery a year ago, just keeps “Howling” to firetruck sirens, to Glenn and Kelly Snelgroves dog, Lacy, who is blind but can see…….living in the moment of God’s blessings. That is what I have learned from the Cowboy, Ellen, Denise, Buffy, Reno and Lacy. I have not perfected it like them, I pray that I do soon.

You see there is something real, more real than we know, but it is of God, blind but they can see…….

Picture is of Lacey

Please read this:

Meet Lacey, she is blind, but sees

only…..if we complained less……

Pictures are of card from Denise O’Brien and the picture of Lacey is from Kelly Snelgrove

I have to tell you that we must wait on God…….I had, what I thought was the Cup I was to send you yesterday about 99% done, but God said wait……….He showed me what to send to you this morning! WOW! I have that when I preach, all of a sudden the Holy Spirit moves in and changes the sermon!

Let us continue to be in prayer for Pastor Vic Tafoya, here is a note from his daughter Maria:

Update on my daddy: His cath was delayed until late this afternoon and when the cardiologist got there, he informed my dad that, after speaking with the cardiac surgeon, they would not do surgery today but just an angiogram. This is very different information than he gave my parents on Monday (obviously). Anyway, his procedure went well but the cardiologist said his echocardiogram made his aortic insufficiency look severe but the angiogram showed it to be moderate so he is unsure why my dad’s symptoms are so severe. He stated everything else looked great (coronary arteries clear, no aneurysm, no blockages). Unfortunately, he said he doesn’t think the valve repair will resolve his symptoms. If that’s true, we don’t know what’s causing his painful and debilitating symptoms. Either way, he will see the cardiac surgeon on dec. 15th and proceed with surgery from there since a valve repair is necessary. Thank you for all of your prayers! Please continue to pray for relief from his symptoms, wisdom from the surgeon and cardiologist, and peace for my parents.

Some of you may remember Pastor Victor of Truelife Fellowship from KKIM Radio, he had a program on the air for several years and I would ask him to do our live Good Friday service every year. Pastor Victor and his lovely wife Barbara had to close the Church awhile back. Please keep pray for Pastor Victor and family.

Also we pray for Wanell Pate and Kathy Garcia Board Members of FGGAM, who continue to be in prayer for their cancer surgeries coming up. Let us pray for wisdom for the Doctors and peace and comfort and complete healing for Wanell and Kathy. in Jesus Name Amen!

Please pray for our friend Jim, he is in a tremendous struggle, that is all I can say right now please pray for Jim, his wife and Children. Please pray for God’s justice to prevail.

We have a PRAISE NOTE from Kelly Snelgrove:

Praise God!!! NO glaucoma!! Thank you so much for your prayers!!! I have large
optic nerves but are healthy! Yearly tests as glaucoma runs in my family. Glenn
and I are headed home! Thank you for caring!

WE PRAISE GOD for this report! As many of you know Kelly blesses us everyday with her posts at FGGAM!

Now what I need you to do my freinds is listen to our radio show…….Tom Lester is the last surviving member of the TV show “Green Acres” he is my guest. A very strong Christian man, he traveled awhile with Billy Graham……….it’s a strong message the world needs to hear……..Please share this with the world!

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 12-1-14 with Pastor Dewey Moede many new folks are visiting our media center at FGGAM, Do you? Please do and Thank you so much, it is a blessing to serve you!

I have to tell you that God has made FGGAM a worldwide Ministry……the majority of our visits are outside New Mexico and ever increasing in the World, soon more people outside of the United States will be the number one visitors to FGGAM! ……..God has made FGGAM a worldwide ministry, that is why the Board of FGGAM told me in our last meeting: “do not ever call FGGAM a small ministry” I think also that their is a solid message for you and I from God in the fact that FGGAM operates in our home and car. You don’t need a big building or fancy dancy stuff to reach the world for Jesus Christ. You can do it right from your home.

Is Santa Clause Dangerous for Christian Children? This post by Pastor Paul Holt has been the number one post at FGGAM for 3 days! Please share it with the world! Amen!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors.

And all of God’s People said, Amen!

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