Happy Birthday to Tony Jr. Jaramillo of Tony’s Service Center


From time to time we stop and hold up a Church or individual who touches our hearts here at FGGAM! Today we want to hold up Brother Tony Jr. Jaramillo of Tony’s Service Center in Edgwood, New Mexico, right off I-40 as you enter Edgewood. Tony’s offers the best in car and truck repair including tires, batteries, etc. A Christian run company, I am very careful about using that term as too many abuse it, but be rest assured Tony’s Service Center lives out the Bible. We thank Tony’s for taking care of the FGGAM Ministry car!!! Today is Tony Jr’s Birthday! God Bless you brother in Christ! Tony Sr. started this business years ago and it is still producing fruit in the Edgewood area by being a Godly example to all.Tony

“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Matthew 21:43

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