UNBELIEVABLE! Seniors at an Albuquerque School Vote For Communist Themed Prom


schoolbooksAt this school 1 + 1=0  My goodness! Lord have mercy! No wonder our education system in New Mexico is in the dumps! KRQE NEWS 13 REPORTS: Seniors vote for Communism-themed prom ow.ly/JZWsv

When God is not at the head, Satan grabs hold……….

Communism is no joking matter!

Many Americans have died fighting communism.

Russia’s Putin is one of, if not the most evil man in the world, and people in Ukraine are dying because of communism.

Putin has his evil finger in death all over the world, including the Mid-East. I beleive he had one of his key opponents executed just this past week!

And you folks think it is a joke? SHAME!

This is a clear evidence on how we are failing as a society!

Rick Stambaugh of FGGAM, who served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War had this reaction to the communist themed prom:


I find it completely beyond human comprehension that in a country founded on a Judeo-Christian basis where we treasure our liberties and our freedoms, we have children today being brought up to celebrate communism!!!

So many, so very very many, made the ultimate sacrifice to provide these kids with so much to enjoy and this is how they celebrate it! They obviously have absolutely no idea what communism even is!

I personally spent 22 years defending and protecting those liberties and freedoms and to have it come to this -…- SAD!!!

While I am still proud of that service and what I did, I do catch myself questioning -…- WHY?!?

We shall fall & fail from within, just as Russia predicted many decades ago during the cold war!!!

I’ll miss you AMERICA !!!


  1. Rest assured ‘Jim’; both the Pastor and I FULLY understand what communism is? Pastor has been in news and radio for many decades and after fighting it for two tours in Vietnam and then fighting it in the ‘Cold War’ for several decades I have a pretty fair understanding of it!

    For my part, I fought to provide you and yours and all freedom loving people with the freedoms and liberties that we have continued to enjoy for over a couple hundred years. It has been fought hard for and it has been fought hard to defend it against things like communism for quite some time.

    And, I fought with pride and have seen on too many occasions the negative effects of communism, up front and personal! And would continue to do it today were I physically capable but while providing you that service I contracted a few issues such as heart disease and cancer so the torch has been passed along to the next generation, fit to do the job.

    Unfortunately, it appears it may have been all for not as our society now refuses to teach our children the devastating things I’ve seen and the devastation communism causes to a society such as the loss of those very freedoms and liberties! Try going to Russia, or maybe Cuba, and celebrate the United States and capitalism in such a manner in school as these children are doing with communism. You’d at least get free room and board I suppose, but the walls are thin, their made with BARS! It’s kind of ironic that the very freedoms we fought for are now being misused in such a disrespectful manner obviously without even understanding what their doing! To them, this is just a game; nobody has ever told them otherwise!

    It appears to me they are very lacking in education of current events, history, respect and even more important, self respect! I fear they will learn it in a rather horrific manner, long after it is too late!!!

    What a shame so many paid the ultimate sacrifice only to have this happening in what ‘was’ THE greatest freedom loving country in the history of humanity!!!

    Until we place GOD back in our schools, our government and our society the thought of what this country will, make that is, becoming horrifies me!!!

    P.S. You are welcome for your freedom to ask the question in the first place!!!

    • Well, I’m not convinced. So far you have stated the reasons as to why you supposedly understand communism, but you have not said anything that would remotely lead me to believe that you actually understand the concept. Now I feel I must ask you, do you even understand what freedom is? “Until we place GOD back in our schools…”? Don’t make me laugh. That’s not freedom. Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”; this includes establishing religion in the public education system. Now I thank you and the Pastor for your effort to fight for the United States in Vietnam, but you were apparently not fighting for the constitution I was raised under. Next time either he or you states your opinions, I would encourage you not to spew hate.

      Now, on to the meat of the matter. Communism is an economic system, and is in no way evil, or comparable to satanism as the Pastor insinuates in his initial opinion piece. If he or you were to argue that communism is a flawed system, I would have to agree with you. However, if you have read Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto”, then I believe you’d agree that communism is a great concept in theory. Yet, it is true that there are many serious problems in the actuality of communism.

      In addition, last year, Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School scored second in the entire state for the Standards Based Assessment for the third time in a row. In 2011, it was ranked first. Therefore, I can infer that the students there are smart kids, and most likely have a good idea of what communism is. Now, whether it was okay for them to choose a communism themed prom; that’s a matter of opinion, and I’m not going to argue either for or against that. My main point that I would like to make to both you and the Pastor is that communism is not in any way associated with the devil, and that this is all quite an over dramatic argument on the Pastor’s part. However, I believe you might be confused with Stalinism, which is not true communism. I encourage you to look into the difference.

      Now please, in the future, if you are wanting to argue against communism, which is completely fine, I believe you should read more into the concept to know what you are dealing with. Also, hard evidence to support your cause is especially necessary to make an opinion in this field, so cite your sources.

      P. S. When you write, please contribute more of your time to the English language, including grammar and punctuation. I find it very difficult to take people seriously when their works are riddled with errors.

      Thanks for your time.

  2. While I truly appreciate your comment, your sarcasm and disrespect is not.

    1. You are correct Jim, I am not a highly educated scholar or commentator? NO, and never claimed to be so, as far as I’m concerned, you can find somewhere else to dump your self-righteous attitude and dis-respect. As with many, across the globe, a highly decorated school education is not the only type of education available and I’m frankly EXTREMELY proud of mine!

    2. You certainly do have an opinion Jim; which thankfully, in America, you are entitled to!!! NOT in most communist states! That’s one of our freedoms you ask me to quote; and yes, you’re welcome!

    3. Did I or will I in the future spend my days studying the books and doctrines of communism? NO. I’ll stick to my Bible thank you. But not being able to fully quote the communist doctrine, (which would be one of the last things I’d like to be able to do here on earth), does not mean we are blind and do not see.

    4. I do not need to read communist doctrine to understand it’s devastating effects on society. You’re more than welcome to keep that for yourself Sir.

    5. While our system is not perfect, (being made very obvious today), it is by far a more just and fair system than other on the globe today.

    6. For your ‘Standards Based Assessment’, I’d recommend renaming it – let’s try – ‘the dumbing down of America’ in my opinion. Children should be sent to learn, and learn a lot, as much as their minds allow them to; not learn to take a test. While tests have their place, a test in not what we should be educating our next generation to who will need a lot more than that to continue the past successes of our great country.

    7. As for our First Amendment, it is designed to prevent our government from dictating to you, what religion, (suspected by the founders to possibly become the religion of government), you will follow. By putting God back in our schools, our country was founded and developed on a Christian basis, regardless of what Mr. Obama thinks, and it is a sound and good basis for giving our children solid ideas and how to deal with things in life. I choose to follow Christianity, not communism. But thank you very much, you are welcome to keep your communism for yourself. Enjoy your doctrine and government directed guide to life; I’ll continue to follow the One who offers me eternal life!

    9. Please, in your next comment, show me all my i’s that I didn’t dot! I mean, really, what is more important in life than that? I left the number 8 out on purpose to help make it easier for you!

  3. Just to be clear I did not say I fought in Vietnam, my best friend Roger Carey of Windom, Minnesota was killed fighting communism in Vietnam, this is not a laughing matter. I will not argue this with you, you can laugh at me all you want, but I mourn for you at laughing at God Almighty. Our Foundation Isa. 64:28:16….Our Father Isa. 64:8……My friend John 15:14…..Our guide Ps. 48:14…..Our Life Col. 3:4…..Good Teacher Mark 10:17 I just shake my head when you say Communism is not evil. May God be with you.

  4. Hey pal, it is clear you have difficulty reading. I see nothing in Jim’s response that suggests he is laughing at the sacrifices in the Vietnam war or God, only your statement that God should be in schools. He responds very clearly that this would violate the Constitution. Your mischaracterization of a very sound and supported argument clearly suggests you cannot support your argument.


  5. I do believe ‘JIm’s’ comment pretty much speaks for itself actually Pastor and I’ll leave that to be between him and God !!!

    But I will turn it over to Him with a prayer for Jim.

  6. I’m curious because I don’t know what communism is. I would like to know seeing as this school decided to use it as a theme for a prom. Also I want to know why it’s such a terrible thing? What would make you say such things about this Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School, I believe it’s called? I’d never heard of this particular school, so I looked it up and it seems to be a very good school. There is something called International Baccalaureate, and from what I have read it seems like these students are getting a really good education. I don’t understand why they are being ridiculed over such a small thing? So if you could explain to me what communism is then I would be most grateful.

  7. Gary, I would talk to any World War II Vet, Holocaust survivor, Korean War Vet, Vietnam Vet, google communism, hard to beleive you did not learn about it in School. Read a good American History Book, I went to school in the 60’s when we said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, there was school prayer and the school buses would take us to Church on Wed. mornings for conformation classes, all denominations.As Pastor Tony Evans says, America was one nation under God, but it is now one nation away from God. God Bless you

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