Good Morning Beautiful People….


Look At The Stars In This Parade….


Chapmanbaby parademson and Evankaci and matt

Good morning beautiful people. I know your not supposed to boast, but I just had to share who was leading (grand marshal) of the Mapleton Daze Parade. Celebrating 100 years, the town of Chapman led the way for the tri-community parade recently held in Mapleton, Maine. My daughter, son in law and three of my grandsons proudly sat on the float that was carrying the oldest resident and the youngest resident. My youngest grandson Jaxson is the youngest resident in Chapman. Jaxson and his brothers will grow up in a town of approximately 480 people.  Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a community with 480 stars? Sounds like a nice place to live to me. Everyone knows each other, helps one another and get’s along, as I read from Newsource 8 website. That’s sounds pretty good too. I am blessed that those are the words from Jaxson’s paternal grandfather.

This morning, I couldn’t help but think about the news lately in regards to selling baby body parts. As you know, I am a pro-life speaker. Selling body parts from a girl or woman’s abortion is just wrong. I wonder what else is going on there. I find myself praying and asking God himself to get involved. Can you begin to imagine how many stars are missing from our parades? Today, can you STOP and take a moment to talk to the creator of the universe about this situation. With man we are limited, but we serve a God that sees it all and is limitless. Oh, how I love limitless Jesus.

I am thankful for the lives of my four grandsons. For the many aborted babies, and my own son Jeremiah, I’ll continue to be your voice. I just can’t be silent anymore.

Together, all across this nation let’s pray: Limitless Jesus we worship and praise your Holy name. God you are the creator of life. Man has found ways to destroy what you have done. We ask you to forgive this country for all the lives that have been lost to abortion. Are you in agreement? Tell him so.

For all the stars that are missing today among us, we know they are with you. You are the most loving and precious Father. We ask you to heal the scars, the aftermath of such a horrific procedure on young girls and women across this globe. Together, we join our Faith and Believe you are working behind the scenes. We wait with great expectation. 

Thank you for pouring out your spirit on our land. Amen

Have A Blessed Day, and thank God for your life today…you are a star….







  1. I love this post Angel girl. Yes, I agree with you. Every life is precious and all the little ones that were aborted or miscarried (two babies in my case, as well as my two aborted grandbabies) are with our loving Father. You are a beautiful, bright and shining star my beloved friend. I love you.

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