My Journey With Cancer, Part 30


My Journey With Cancer, Part 30 By David MaddoxDavid Maddox in August


Back to the Monday through Friday chemo schedule this week for which we are thankful.  I learned this week why it is that chemo week is like climbing a mountain getting just a little worse every day.  I thought it was because of the volume of chemo which you receive as I get more from the pump after the Monday and Tuesday infusions, but I was wrong.  It is not the buildup of chemo although the residual does have additional effects.  It is the temporary destruction of the immune system which is required for the chemo to be effective against the cancer.  That is why within 24 hours after all the chemo is received they give you a shot to increase your white blood cell production and rebuild your immune system.  That explains a lot and why the longer chemo infusion schedule is so hard.  Very thankful we are back on the old schedule where we know what to expect and know that unless something unusual happens (which is always possible for a chemo patient) we will be able to tolerate what is coming.  Looking forward to Wednesday or Thursday when we should be over the mount of side effects and on the way down into the valley of reasonable normalcy.


Hard week looking solely at the physical with the events in Paris and elsewhere.  Our country seemingly has lost its way.  Saw a poll that said more than 50% of Americans feel as if they are strangers in America.  Americans are afraid and don’t know where to turn for safety or security.  We debate over why we face this hatred – the desire to kill innocents – and the willingness to die in the process.  Some blame us – while others blame the killers and their hate without seeking to understand where their hate comes from (I am NOT blaming America).  Sadly most of us go to churches that do not even address what is happening in the world leaving confused Believers or those without a commitment to the Lord right where they were when they walked into the building.  I don’t believe that is how Jesus would have handled this – certainly there are clear examples in Scripture where He addressed such seeming tragedies.  He certainly has been speaking to me about this during the week – usually late at night when I am awake and finally quiet so I can hear what He is saying.  What He has said is disturbing – but clearly Biblical.  Warning – what follows you will most likely not have heard before – and never considered.


Two things have jumped out to me this week Spiritually.  First, why hasn’t anyone considered that based on Scripture what is happening with the terrorist threat and all the climate issues etc. could be a judgment from God?  You don’t have to read past the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy 28 to see everything that is happening negative in the world as a consequence of rebellion against God.  If that is true we know what to do – 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 calls on Believers to humble themselves – pray – seek His face – and turn from our wicked ways (repent) – and then and only then – will God (the only one who can do anything about this) “heal our land”.


The reality is that if we are experiencing a judgment of God then we better find out what He considers our “wicked ways” so we can turn from them.  Some are obvious, but if we seek to hear from God with a desire to obey what He reveals then He will tell us.  If, on the other hand we never ask and never consider judgment as a real possibility then that judgment will only increase until we are ready to ask and be changed or are destroyed.  With ISIS having billions of dollars to spend and with countries like North Korea and others willing to sell – instruments of mass destruction (nuclear weapons – chemical weapons – delivery systems) are available.  America could effectively be destroyed.  Yet I have heard no one call for us to consider the reality that a Holy God has had enough of our rebellion as He has for every country before us throughout history.  America is not immune or exempt.  We are accountable like all other societies before us.  Consider what happened to Israel from 70 AD to 1948.  It was destroyed and literally ceased to exist.  If God would deal so with His “chosen people” when they rebelled – why should Believers in America that have come to accept and tolerate and practice Biblical sin expect Him to deal with us otherwise?


The second thing was how do we pray for our enemies?  Once again Scripture is clear on that.  Jesus said that we were to, “Love (our) enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).  I have not heard anyone in church or out quoting that verse and calling on Believers to pray for those who would kill us (and are killing others elsewhere) simply because they are Believers in Jesus Christ.

What is God’s agenda in all of this if He is allowing it to go forward?  Judgment clearly to bring Believers to repentance so He can “heal our land”, but there is more.  God’s heart is clear toward those who would kill us and the one billion in the various branches of the Muslim faith – as well as Jews and those in America who remain blind to the truth about Him and do not have faith.  Scripture is clear on God’s heart – He “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4) – “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).  That means regardless of what these people have done or may do – like He felt toward Saul as He persecuted the Church – God wants them all to be saved and none to perish.  That tells you how to pray for them and that you need to be bold in sharing with them.  That in reality is the only way this “war” can be won – they must become followers of Jesus.

Hard lessons this week – the reality that we are most likely suffering the judgment of God for our rebellion (I certainly believe this based on Scripture) – and that God expects us to focus more on seeing that these people encounter Jesus than for us to focus on killing them.  Again this is a message for Believers.  It does not mean that we should not defend ourselves and seek to destroy those who refuse to change, but God can do what man cannot do – God can change hearts – and if we don’t want five generations in the future (if we survive) to be fighting the same battle then.   We must seek God – repent – and pray for our enemies.

Thank you for your prayers and love and partnership along the journey.  Sorry if this offends.  I am merely sharing what I have been shown.

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About David Maddox – After a legal career in both Texas and Arizona that spanned over 40 years as a civil litigator, God called David to leave his law practice and work full time as Discipleship Director for Time to Revive.  That call is really the fruit of decades of prayer for revival and teaching God’s Word, writing discipleship materials and seeking to make disciples.  David married Janet Whitehead in 1976 and they minister together from their Phoenix home.  God has blessed them with four children and thus far seven grandchildren.

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