God Truly Was Watching Over My Grandparents


Yesterday FGGAM put out a call for help……they were lost but found! PTL! The LORD watches over you– the LORD is your shade at your right hand. Psalm 121:5

Follow the story…….


Here is the report from their granddaughter Lillie Nicole Burns:

I don’t have many details at all, but my grandparents were found in Silver City by Tracey Batura Coffeen and Karlee Coffeen. I will let you know when I know more. At the moment, all I know is that they are okay. Thank you so very much for the prayers, thoughts, shares, texts, and calls. My family appreciates each of you and your efforts to get them home safe


Here was the call for help yesterday! This comes from Lillie Nicole Burns:

This is an updated picture of my grandparents George and Lillie Snyder of Luna, NM. No one has heard from them since early Monday morning. They were headed to Las Cruses, New Mexico for an appointment. The appointment was scheduled Tuesday at 2 pm and they never made it. We have contacted motels, police, hospitals, and still have no idea where they could be.


Here is what Lillie Nicole Burns wanted to share with us this morning:

God truly was watching over my grandparents. They were both very confused because of the stress from their accident, so it is truly amazing that they made it back to Silver City (a place they are very familiar with). It is also truly amazing to me that it was someone we knew that found them and helped them get home. It was an act of God (no doubt in my mind) that brought my grandparents to them. I will thank God every day for giving me the opportunity to spend more time with my sweet grandparents. I am truly blessed. I would also like to thank each and ever person who shared my posts and prayed for their safe return. Prayer is truly powerful! God bless!

Thank you Nicole for sharing the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! Thank you FGGAM family for all your prayers, we know hundreds were praying! PTL! AWE of GOD!

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