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God Loved You 1st! By Karen Rowe

Hello again from NC!

My husband can paint all day and never look like he picked up the brush; like going through troubles with Jesus.  Me?  I can just walk by and get paint on me!  Yesterday, I thought I would be smart and paint with gloves, so I could impress my husband, but we got laughs instead!  Within 2 minutes, I had paint inside my glove!!!  Who does that?  I managed to accomplish this by defying gravity!  :)

Isn’t this how adversity / trouble(s) comes at us; and tries to sneak fear, agitation, & frustration in our life with God, through everyday life … & through people …?  Why?  Satan wants to move us from our 1st Love!  But God’s Love is Power!

Love people / not things & love God more than self; and everything becomes clear and possible!

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you (Romans 8:1 & 11, KJV).”

How do we respond? How do we react?   What is the real purpose in us being there / here?  The world represents those who are still subject to the condemnations of sin, but that Jesus come not to condemn, but to free us all from the condemnation of sin; and…to bring us life [For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (John 3:17, NKJV).”]

And, when we are freed; we are to grow in our understanding of this gift of freedom Christ died and Rose again to bring us!

“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God (1 John 3:9, KJV).”


Earlier, my husband had sent with me two cans of paint.  However, instead of missing a trip along the way to the store; we had a trip back to the store when we discovered that paint had transformed into a rock inside one can; and water surrounding a rock in the other.  :)

Like it is in our heart with God.  We need to evaluate our heart and see if it has grown hard against the love of God …

Does your heart show signs of needing to be refreshed?  This is the time to be spiritually REFRESHED in your Spirit of God’s Love for you; and for all people!


Now, I wasn’t smiling yet, because other things were going wrong that morning too; however my son asked me a very important question.  He made me pause and reevaluate what was really going on around me!  “Mom, why do you think you found that mess in there?” “Why do you think you found it just like it was?” he asked me a 2nd time.  “Why do you think the paint was bad? he asked me a third time.”  Yes, it was adversity!  And, I knew why!  Satan was wanting me to move from my first love, JESUS! Satan was wanting to move me away from loving people; to loving self!  Satan was wanting to move me where I didn’t belong; nor did I want to be!  Yet, I needed reminded to see clear!

I hope this encourages you to remember too that adversity comes at us to get us to move away from our 1st love!  But we have a choice not to receive it!  Yes, Jesus told us not to be surprised when troubles come AT us, but do not LET your hearts be troubled.  In other words, we have a CHOICE!  Troubles come at us, but we have a choice not to let troubles come in us! When we receive this, we will never be the same!

The Greatest Commandment
36“Teacher, which commandment is the greatest in the Law?” 37Jesus declared, “‘Lovethe Lord your God with all your heart and with allyour soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment.…

Three Verses!  …What is the second that is like it?

Satan wants to move you from your 1st Love, BUT GOD loved you 1st!  This is evidence of the love God has for you!  Thank you Jesus. I pray The Holy Spirit of God will encourage you in the very love God has for you.  This is your purpose to know and believe in the love God has for you … and then learn how to abide in this love by God revealing the mysteries of this love to you.  It’s God’s Grace and Mercy; and this is the Truth, Jesus sets us free to love others as God has 1st loved us!  And, to God be the glory forever and ever.  Amen.


I hope this is a blessing to you; and a smile to your face!  I hope this is an encouragement to you to put on your safety glasses (God’s Perspective); and let your light shine!

Love, Karen

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc., Daily Devotion to God’s Holy Word, by Karen Rowe

God Loved You 1st! By Karen Rowe

What is your life?

What is your body?

Life is more than ______.
Your body is more than _______.

So why do we worry about everyday life, when life is a relationship with God. Of course God cares that we have enough food & drink! God cares so much about our needs that Paul told Timothy due to his stomach troubles, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities (1 Timothy 5:23 KJV)”.

The point is God cares about you! And God cares so much for you that He wants you to grow in your understanding in the Truth about How Much God loves you & He loves the world! God loved you So Much since before you were born that He gave His Son, JESUS so you would not perish, but beleive to have everlasting life!

God’s love for us covers everything, except one thing; our choice to deny His love.

What are the symptoms of needing refreshed in your spirit? Are you burdened down with the sins of the world? Do you see shortcomings in people all around you…including from you? Indeed, all people are flawed, including me, so why set our expectations high in people?

Set your eyes on Jesus!

So why do we worry about the clothes we wear; do you know who you are to God? Of course, God cares that we honor who HE is in us, by dressing modestly & clean, yet God is mostly concerned about how we dress our heart!

When we receive this spiritual confidence we will never be the same the same!

Do you ever question why do you even care about doing good when every thing seems to be piling up on top of you…even on top of that you have experienced every day life working against you by the things people do; or the lack of time someone took to take a bit of that burden with you?

Friend, don’t be discouraged by everyday life! May I encourage you that these things do happen in this world’s everyday life that God is so kind to ONLY call Today & as long as God calls this day TODAY…His patience is to teach us to meet Him & know we need Him!

We found a little bird. The dogs had gotten to it. My son picked it up tenderly & loved it. We found a safe place for it to rest & left it a capfull of water. It lived! How much more valuable are you?

True Story!

How can we pray for you today?

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.




The address in the Bible is found in 2 Corinthians 1:2, and this is the NIV today.




Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe [2012 Published for you]

If you missed a Hope in Today’s Daily Devotion, you can find the Devotional Library by following Hope in Today’s Instagram4629  “Writing the Story of my life with every choice Jesus helps me to make and learning how to be blessed and live life large, happy and free.  I care.”

Personal Motto:  “I don’t have it all figured out, BUT GOD DOES … Follow JESUS!”

Thank you Jesus!  Personal Revelation Life Verse:  1 John 4:16 

16 And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.  

This version Today is (HCSB)


Holy Spirit you are welcome here!

Blessings, Karen

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