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Impact of Climate Change is Growing, and the U.S. Must act, Federal Report Warns

Read a summary of the U.S. climate report

Impact of climate change is growing, and the U.S. must act, federal report warns
National Geographic

The 4th National Climate Assessment takes the temperature of climate change across the United States. The message? Adapt. Read the full story

We continue to pray over this horrific tragedy…….

As California Wildfire Winds Down, Rain And Winds Create New Fears

With storms in the forecast, crews were warned about potential mud and debris slides along incinerated hillsides. Officials Friday said the search for missing residents should be completed by Tuesday. Read the full story

Major Trump administration climate report says damage is ‘intensifying across the country’
The Washington Post

Scientists are more certain than ever that climate change is already impacting the United States — and that it is going to be very expensive. Read the full story

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