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Fruitcake Recipe

Forgive the Easter pun, but this is a resurrected bit of writing from 2008. I’ve updated the recipe to reflect 2024 availability. I thought this was timely, as you may need to bring something to share for a family meal today. Enjoy.

Dear Clementine,
I’m including the recipe for the Totally Fulfilling Fruitcake that you wanted. I was pleased that you enjoyed it at the potluck. Honestly, life’s circumstances being what they are, I had to throw it together and hope for the best. The recipe isn’t overly complicated, yet I have never been able to get it quite right. But, to be fair, I haven’t tried to make it very often. The ingredients are expensive and never seem to go on sale. You really have to operate on a budget, calculating what you can live without, in order to afford the key ingredients. Also, it usually takes a lot of time to make. Maybe I’ve just given up too soon in the past. Let me know how yours turns out. Please pass on any tips you find to make this process easier. And in answer to your question, yes, I do think it would make a perfect addition to an Easter meal.

Best regards,
Melba Toast

Totally Fulfilling Fruitcake

1 pk. of Love (available year round, but sometimes easier to find during holidays)
3 sticks of Joy
1 cup of Peace
1 ½ tsp. Longsuffering
3 rounded Tbs. of Kindness (try looking at smaller stores—I couldn’t find much at the larger “chain stores”)
1 8oz. jar of Goodness
A pinch of Faithfulness

Be very gentle as you combine these ingredients. Often times they crumble when you try to work with them. If you can exercise self-control while mixing, results tend to be better.
If you find produce hard to digest, please refer back to the original recipe which can be found in Galatians 5-22, 23.

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