You Are Destined To Win Beautiful People… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


You Are Destined To Win Beautiful People…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I have been lining up interviews for my radio show and podcast Destiny Moments with Angel Murchison. You can listen in on Buzzsprout and on WFST Saturday’s 12:05 PM right after the world news. You can also download the WFST APP.

Recently, I sent an invitation to a woman I won her CD at a meeting some years ago now. I attended a Joan Hunter Ministries meeting with a friend and won her daughters CD, Unleashing The Writer Within by Wendy Walters. Believe me when I tell you I supernaturally won the CD. I was sitting in the back of the church on that night. They were giving away CDs to whomever could yell Norma loud enough. (She was the women handing out CD’s.) I had a cough, and my voice is soft to begin with, but somehow, I received the CD, Release the Writer Within You by Wendy Walters. My friend that was sitting beside me, leaned over and said I didn’t hear you say anything. The man sitting behind me had tapped me on the shoulder when they announced the name of the CD and said I want to hear you yell for that CD. Something supernatural must have happened beautiful people because we were sitting near the back and I couldn’t yell, but a writer I am. I have continued to listen to that CD throughout the years. It inspires me to continue to write.

Wendy speaks about the mantles in the bloodline that we are born in. I had to do a little research to find out about my bloodline. I can proudly say, I come from a rich bloodline. Not in earthly wealth, but a spiritual wealth that is beyond any dollar amount. My mother imparted to me more than I know even to this day. She was a gem, and she was full of gems. I thank God for her mantle. I look at her picture wearing her suit of sparkles and I chuckle as I like glitzy myself. Her life wasn’t glitzy, and she went to heaven way too early for this girl. I pray the mantles in my bloodline continue to be passed down. God certainly knew what He was doing the day we were born beautiful people. Always celebrate life. Celebrate your life every day.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for another day to journey life with you.

Father, we pray for the mantles that were passed down to us. We pick them up today and ask you to breathe life on them according to your plan for our lives.

Father, we especially pray for mothers who have suffered loss, through miscarriage, death, or abortion. Bind up their wounds and make them whole again, as only a Good Father can. Oh God, for every woman across this globe that has been believing you for a child, bring them their hearts desire, we pray. Set up divine appointments from your throne room for fruitful wombs and adoptions, we pray.

Father, may the love you have for us go deeper in hearts across this globe today, we pray.  Amen.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Jesus loves you and journeying with him, you are destined to win. Believe…

I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)


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